Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Rumus - rumus fisika kelas X

Besaran dan satuan

-> = dimensi
1. panjang -> L
2. Massa -> M
3. Waktu -> T
4. Ampere -> I
5. Suhu(kelvin)-> K
6. Mol -> Mol
7. Candela -> Cd

aturan angka penting 

- semua angka bukan nol angka penting
cth : 261,3 3 angka penting
38,2 3 angka penting
-angka nol yang berada di tengah angka bukan nol adalah angka penting
cth : 89,0000002 9 angka penting
-angka nol di sebelah koma tetapi di kiri angka bukan nol angka penting
cth : 0,00002 5 angka penting
-semua angka nol setelah desimal mengikuti angka bukan nol adalah angka penting 
cth : 0,00260 3 angka penting
3,20 3 angka penting

Penjumlahan vektor 

R = √ A^2 + B^2 + 2 A . B cos α 

Pengurangan vektor

S =√ A^2 + B^2 - 2 A . B cos α 

Gerak Lurus

GLB = S = V . t
GLBB = S = Vo + at
= Vt2 = vo^2 + 2 a s
= ~S = vot + 1/2 a t^2
= S = ( Vo + Vt ) t /2
GJB = V = g .t
= h = 1/2 gt^2
= t = √2h/g
= v = √2gh
GVA = t max = vo / g
= h max = vo^2 / 2g
GMB = θ  = ω . t
= ω = 2 π f
= V = 2 π f R

GMBB = a = V^2 / R

∑F = m . a

Dinamika Partikel 


jika benda terdapat di sumbu y pada bidang horizontal

∑F = 0

a= g ( ma - mb ) / ( ma + mb )

w = m . g

∑F = m . a = m . V^2/R = m . 4 π^2 f^2 R


P = 100/f = 100/s + 100/s' ( Cm )


S = tak terhingga 
P = 100 / takterhingga + 100 / S' ( PP )


S = 25
S' = - PP
P = 100 / 25 + 100 / - PP

Perbesaran lensa okuler
sn = 25
M = sn / f (tanpa akomodasi)
M = sn / f + sn / x ( jarak tertentu)
M = sn / f + sn / PP (akomodasi maksimum)

Mikroskop FOK > FOB 
M total = MOB . MOK
Perbesaran angular 
M = α/ β  
M = h' / h

d = S'ob + S ok


M = fob / fok - > sok jika ber akomodasi
d = fob + S ok
teropong bumi
d = S'ob / FOB + 4 FP + FOK
d = S' ob - f ok


Pemuaian rumus homogen
Q = M . L
Q = M C ∆T

Konduksi = K A  ∆T / l
Konveksi = K A  ∆T
Radiasi    = e . o T^-4 A

Asas Black 
Q Lepas = Q Terima

Listrik dinamis 

K . I 

I masuk = I keluar
V= I . R

K . II

∑V + I ( R + r ) = 0
+ rumus pa margo
P  = V . i 
W = V i t
n  = Q / W
rumus lain merupakan Kembangan rumus subtitusi dari K . I

Alesana - This Conversation Is Over

Ni lagu di cari dari SMP , sayang yang punya blog ga tau judulnya . Tapi karena sekarang udah nemu lagunya , yang punya blog berniat bagi - bagi lagunya silahkan sedot di 

Alesana - This Conversation Is Over

take everything away from me silent angel...

apathy cries out from your lungs, indifference reeks of fiction
time will tell how far you will go
I can't see why you'd run and hide excluding such complacence
as tears rain from bloodshot eyes

take everything away from me silent angel
leave me nothing to remind me of this time now lost

the air now reeks with the presence of your vile voice
as your smile masks the advance you keep
...I am not your trophy...
the air now reeks with the presence of your vile voice
as your smile masks the advance you keep
...I am not your trophy...

please try to say more carefully that you no longer need me
this back and forth is killing me
the only eyes you'll look into are those in your reflection
you are the means to my end

this conversation is over, it's over...
your truth is a deception meant to poison me

take everything away from me silent angel
leave me nothing to remind me of this time now lost

I can't seem to believe that you ever cared for me
...this conversation is over...
your empty words now drift away as fragile whispers
I saw the day when the fire left your eyes, your tongue fell still
your treason is silence...
take everything away from me silent angel
leave me nothing to remind me of this time now lost